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Friday, 31 January 2014

A Fun Fair

Essay on "A Fun Fair"

Our school held a food-and-fun fair, in aid of our building fund, from the 23rd to the 25th September, last year.

Preparation for the fair started weeks before its opening date places for various stalls were earmarked a month ahead. Groups of students and teachers to take charge of these stalls were formed, and their duties and responsibilities were explained to them. Placards were hand written and printed to give publicity to the event. Some of the plank buildings were suitably converted to accommodate the various stalls. The National Electricity Board was approached for permission to use additional electricity and contractors in the town were called in to do the necessary fittings. Parties of teachers and students were sent out to collect donations, in cash or By the 22nd September all the preparation for the fair had been completed.

On the afternoon of the 23rd, parties of students, some of them wearing fancy dresses went round the town, in open cars and trucks, calling on the public to visit the fair and to spend generously in aid of our building fund. This last minute publicity campaign was highly effective.

At 7 o'clock 'that evening. Mr. the Chief Education Officer......... declared the fair open a huge organizer.

The Art and Handwork exhibition had taken up as many as four classrooms. The exhibits had come from almost every class. Most of the articles displayed were for sale, and though they had been priced rather highly,' many public spirited people bought a few each. The sales were exceptionally good.

The food stalls also drew large crowds and brought in a sizeable income. The most interesting part of the fair, however, was the amusement stalls.

These had been allotted for various games of chance or skill, and a healthy spirit of competition prevailed among their organizers. Ringing the Duck, throwing the tins, wheel of fortune and Duck me was among the most popular of the games played there. The idea of 'Duck Me' had been borrowed for the famous comic film. Three ring circus. There was noise and activity at every stall. The prizes offered were very attractive were the games, and so effectively did the organizers appeal to the visitors, that even most miserly among them were induced to try their luck or skill.

The weather was very friendly throughout. This enabled a large number of people to visit the fair daily.

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