Best Free Blogger Templates for 2013 are released constantly. And some better than others.
Blogger is a very simple and easy to use
platform. There are many beautiful templates that add to its value. In this post, We have compiled a list of 75 (most) beautiful Blogger templates. We hope you enjoy this collection.
This Free Responsive Blogger ( Blogspot ) Templates collection is really cool so today I want to show it for you, we hope you will interest and leave a comment on this post. All blogspot templates of this collection are really beautifull and amazing, we added the link to official template page on template name and the Demo link on the screenshot. Many templates below were converted from WordPress Themes to Free Responsive Blogger Templates and most of templates are magazine style, personal style and very suitable for Magazine Blogs, Personal Blogs, Movie Blogs and Game Blogs.
Super SEO Blogger Template
Super SEO Blogger Template is Very SEO friendly Blogger Template. It’s white color, social media icon, bookmark rady, breadcrumbs, top navigation menu , bottom navigation menu and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Twenty Twelve Blogger Template
This template is the Blogger version of Twenty Twelve WordPress template which was introduced as the WordPress 3.5 default template.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Tampan Blogger Template
This template modified from Johny Joss Banget template, with the dark style color. It was designed for gallery content blogger especially for movie collection. I made the slider with 6 posts in front and for more detail you can see the demo directly. It’s a black and yellow color with 5 column blogger in there, adding meta tag H1 in every posts, automatic slider Carousel for your recent post, 1 left sidebar, 3 columns footer, navigation drop down menu, grid and list style, pagination for blogger ready, clean design template, toggle sidebar, ads ready and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Coba Dulu Blogger Template
Johny Coba Dulu is another style from Johny Jogos template with white, black and blue color. This blogger template made especially for mini game online, or any gallery content with image. This template has a 6 column with one sidebar in the right, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, automatic featured content slider, categories tab view widget, ads ready, dropdown menu, clean design template, and more. This template designed for mini games online with daily updates.MORE / INFO DEMO
Flat UI Responsive Blogger Template
This is responsive blogger template from Prayag Verma the owner of Stylify Your Blog. Inspired from the the recently released Flat UI Kit from DesignModo FlatUI Blogger Template is a fully responsive and feature-rich template. One of its main advantages over other Blogger templates is the ease with which you can customize the various components via the Blogger Template Designer. Many custom options have been added to the Template Designer to make it simpler to modify from a single location.MORE / INFO DEMO
Edivos Blogger Template
Pakdhe Johny Blogger Responsive Template
Easy News – Responsive Magazine Blogger Template
Easy News is so clean, flexible and has a fully responsive Blogger Template! This template gives you an awesome tool to launch a daily news or magazine website. Easy News has a lot of awesome features, check them out below!MORE / INFO DEMO
Valor Blogger Template
Zylyz Blogger Template
Octavia Blogger Template
Kangis Magz Free Blogger Template
Kangis Magz Blogger Template is a magazine blogger template with simple and elegant design.MORE / INFO DEMO
Main Photo Blogger Responsive Template
Origin Free Blogger Template
Lantern Blogger Template
Smoother is a smooth light theme for bloggers who love blogging about tech, tips, tuts, and you can use for a personal blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
Minimum Theme Blogger Responsive Template
Johny Jazzytube Blogger Template
Johny Jazzytube was made for video content only from Youtube. There’s no specific feature in this template. It’s a white, black and blue color with 4 column blogger in there, easy loading and SEO friendly with elegant looks, 1 right sidebar, 3 columns footer, navigation menu, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, clean design template, and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
eNews – Free Responsive Blogger Template
Free template for blogging or magazine sites. Full responsive and many amazing features.MORE / INFO DEMO
Maskolis Template Blogger Template
This template looks like Johny Kenthir, but with different header and navigation. This is another magazine template blogger for news content from Creating Website, Maskolis Template blogger template is a free magazine style blogger template for portal news blog with automatic recent per category. It’s a 3 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, 1 right sidebar, automatic featured content slider, automatic slider carousel, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, tab view menu, clean design template, and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
EtipMagazine – Magazine Template for Blogger
EtipMagazine is my first Blogger Template with magazine style and clear layout. I hope that this template will fulfill your loving tech, computer…MORE / INFO DEMO
Smoother Easy Personal Blog Template
Smoother is a smooth light theme for bloggers who love blogging about tech, tips, tuts, and you can use for a personal blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
Spot Times, daily press blogger template
With a simple but impressive design, SpotTimes, follow the daily paper layout that will inspired you to write and reader to read news on your press. This is a good template to start your press passion.MORE / INFO DEMO
Webslot Blogger / Blogspot Template – Easy Blogging Tool
Webslot is a minimalistic theme for creatives. It is a gift for bloggers who love simple and clean design. Let’s enjoy it for a modern blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
G-Fashions Blogger Template
G-Fashions is free premium blogger template with elegant look, G-Fashions is Portfolio cum blogger template. This theme is perfect for Wallpaper and pictorial based websites. G-Fashions theme is specially made for those people who want pretty & beautiful look for their blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
Siren Blogger Template
An all-in-one Adobe CS5 software should be installed if you are to customize templates from you Intel Core i7 Sony computer.Siren Blogger Template is a xml blogger theme is a blog style post and have very nice use of intro. This is very nice template with is a very good.
New Mashable Blogger Template
New Mashable blogger template is designed for technology blogs, We try out best to give this theme unique and professional look, by looking at name of this theme you will think that this template is copy of famous technology blog , but I want to clarify that this theme is codded by us and we don’t use a single line of code of any website.MORE / INFO DEMO
TechRoadies Blogger Template
TechRoadies is a free blogger template best suited for tech, tricks and tips blog. It is clean and fresh blogger template for those user who want simple but an awesome design for there blog. Best thing about this template is that every post & widget are separated with a beautiful border with each other.MORE / INFO DEMO
RespoAum Responsive Blogger Template
RespoAum is the newest and the most advanced Blogger template with a Responsive design and fluid layout. We are not using Bootstrap or any other 3rd party framework, I designed this theme with my own framework.MORE / INFO DEMO
Divinity Blogger Template
Divinity is stunning & free blogger template for those users who want different look for their blog. We believe in innovation and we always try to give our user super clean look. This theme is ideal for those website which are running tech niche blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
Lord HTML Blogger Template
After getting so many request from my readers, finally I am giving you all Lord HTML official blogger template. This template is really an awesome one because design of this template is unique. This template is fully SEO optimized which will help you to rank higher in search engines list.MORE / INFO DEMO
Alluring Blogger Template
Alluring is free premium blogger template, while making this template our designer gave first priority to the design of this theme. Neat and clean design of this theme will surely attract your visitor toward your blog design. This theme has many fantastic features like social sharing and Related post which will boost traffic of your blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
News Blogger Template
News Themes is one of the best magazine style blogger template, design of this theme is adapted from famous Genesis Framework. This theme is ideal for the niche blogging like Technology, News bulletin, Gadgets and Telecom. Clean and professional look of this theme will attract your users.MORE / INFO DEMO
Myst Blogger Template
Myst Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.Myst is a nice minimal magazine Blogger design.It is suitable for magazine sites or tutorial sites.
I have added all instructions in the download folder and you can ask me any help via comment, Facebook comment.
Boston Blogger Template
Boston Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.This is a theme that you can use to run a book review site.MORE / INFO DEMO
WebDepot Blogger Template
The WebDepot Blogger Template is a combination of different color schemes which makes it look unique. This theme is ideal for Designing, web developing, and Magazine based website especially for those who stress more towards designing niche. Unlike our other themes, this has a lot of matchless features including some CSS3 inclusion and other significant functions. When you talk about pure designing, this template is almost invisible because we have used a lot of features for the first time. It has clean and sleek design and has a lot of gutsy utilities.MORE / INFO DEMO
Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart is a free blogger template with 4 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Folio360 Blogger Template
Folio360 Blogger Template is a “Heavy Duty” theme designed for Designers who loves to show off their portfolio. It is truly a powerful, highly flexible and customizable theme which will indeed help you to grow. This theme is perfect for Wallpaper and pictorial based websites. It has lots of striking and incredible features which would impress you and your visitors too. It has clean and sleek design which is considered as the basic need of a portfolio template.MORE / INFO DEMO
Yorkshire Blogger Template
Ajaxify Blogger Template
B TUBE BLOGGER TEMPLATE – Blogger video template
The Data URI Generator will produce base64 encoded data from an image file. This data can then be used in your CSS files which saves the browser from having to make additional HTTP requests for the external resources, and can therefore increase page loading speed. Keep in mind that base64 encoding will make the image file larger by approx 30%, however, because CSS files are cached by the browser, it might still be faster than loading images each time you visit a new page on your website.MORE / INFO DEMO
Kent Blogger Template
Sight Blogger Template
Template features : Blogging, Pinterest, Responsive, Clean, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Dropdown Menu, Social Widget.MORE / INFO DEMO
Red Carpet Theme to Blogger
Red Carpet is a top class entertainment WordPress theme by Deluxe Themes. This theme is the perfect choice and complete solution for celebrity, gossip, fashion, or entertainment blogs. This theme is bundled with premium media publishing features that makes entertainment blogging really fun.MORE / INFO DEMO
News theme to blogger
The News Theme from Organic Themes is designed to hold a large amount of content. The home page features a 3 column layout ideal for content and advertising.The theme is designed without the use of any background images, making it fast to load and easy to customize.The theme is packed with widgetized sections, and has many unique features such as a news ticker, featured tab section capable of displaying scrolling text on breaking news, a vertical style menu and much more.
Simplex Bigblue Pro Blogger Template
Simplex Bigblue Pro Blogger Template
Metro Logger blogger template has neat and beautiful interface.Various blogger widgets like blogger labels, popular posts are customized for metro look.This template works with Blogger’s template designer.DEMO DOWNLOAD
Metro Magazine
Metro Magazine blogger template is a very beautiful and neat template for magazine blogs.The most attractive feature of this template is the mega menu bar.It also features multiple featured posts sections and jquery slideshow.The posts on homepage is categorized under various label names.MORE / INFO DEMO
Blue Beauty is a free blogger template with simple 2 column layout on blue color theme with right sidebar.This blogger template is best for personal blogs, travel blogs and other niche blogs.This template has a menu widget on the top where you can add links to other pages on your blog.Also this template is Google Adsense ready to help you monetize your blog.Ads can be shown mainly on three areas -a 728 x 90 ad on top, ads between the posts and also on right sidebar.The ads can be easily controlled via blogger layout editor.
Another specific feature of this blogger template is eye catching post category near the post title.Only the last labels of the post are shown there.
This blogger template is also integrated with addthis sharing widget.
Minicard is a free premium blogger template adapted from WordPress with 1 column, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners and social bookmarking icons.Excellent layout for blogs about business or internet.
Tech Shadow Blogger Template
Tech Shadow is a stylish blogger template which is designed for technology and blogging niche blogs. This is having 2 columns. The header of this template is having two section, on the left side we’ve placed title of blog and a little description or slogan space while on the right side we’ve implemented the ad banner section. We’ve also added the stylish menu on the bottom of header. After header, it is having subscription section in which we’ve added email subscription form with social icons. It also have three column footer widgets section with simple menu at the top of the footer.MORE / INFO DEMO
Table is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, ads ready, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, drop down menu, simple look and neutral colors.Excellent layout for blogs about any general topic, internet or news.
Mobile Network
Mobile Network Blogger Template is a professional blogger template which takes the magazine style and use the theme of mobile network. This template has some features, such as: 3 columns, left and right sidebar, rounded corners. Blue is dominant in the body and gray for main post, simple slider menu and very easy in the editing, auto read more posts, banner 468×60 ready on top, search box ready and more. This template is highly recommended for those of you who want to create a blog with the theme of mobile phones.MORE / INFO DEMO
Faustina is a Free Blogger Template for woman related blogs with Magazine style, two columns, featured content slider, ads ready, bottombar and automatic excerpts with thumbnails.MORE / INFO DEMO
Metro Modern Solar
Metro Modern Solar Blogger Template is a free blogger template with a cool slider. It has a layout of 2 column with 1 right sidebar. This template features Cool Labels, Big Social icons Links at footer etc. This template is suits all types of blogs but is best for tech and news blogs.MORE / INFO DEMO
Exelencia Blogger Template
Exelencia is beautyful responsive blogger template layout with many future. It’s 2 columns and left sidebar the color is black, white, blue and grey with top navigation menu, slider siderbar, custom search result, custom lightbox and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Martin Blogger Gallery Template
This template names Martin Template, that design in gallery style blogger template you can use this template for any gallery content. It’s a 2/3 column blogger template with right sidebar, static page ready, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, automatic content slider, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, clean design template, and more. This template designed for content gallery with daily updates.MORE / INFO DEMO
Minimal Swiss Design – Free Blogger Template
Minimal Swiss Design is a simple CSS-based theme which uses no external JavaScript and loads swiftly in the browser.It features a three column layout with two narrow sidebars which are ideally suited to Picture gadgets for display of visual portfolio items and is wholly compatible with the Blogger template designer for customization of backgrounds, colours and fonts .
Incipient – A Free Responsive Blogger Template
Incipient is a free responsive template for Blogger, which offers a simple layout which adjusts according to the size of the screen it is viewed upon.Fully customizable through the Blogger Template Designer, this simple design is suitable for a wide variety of blogs and is fully gadgetized.
On wider screens, the template expands to the width of the screen, including a right-aligned sidebar and two widget sections in the footer. For smaller resolutions, the template adjusts and sidebar gadgets appear beneath the main posts section, while the footer gadgets widen to the width of the screen.
YAMINTH Blogger Template
YAMINTH Blogger Template is a Wp To Blogger Converted Minimalist PRemium Blogger Theme. Its 2 Column Blogger Template With 1 Right Sidebar and 3 Column Footer Area.Right Sidebar Has Ads banner, Search Box And Other Default Blogger Widget’s. Footer Area Design as a Dark Color Full Page Style. So Its Simple And Clean Elegent Style. Header Top Section Has Menu Link’s And Right Section Placed Social Profile Link’s. YAMINTH Blogger Template Design Without Using Images, So Very Effective This Theme To Your loading Time.Header Design 2 column Syle. And Right Side Has 468Px Ads Banner. Quality Image SLider Placed Under The Header, And Auto Blog Post Summerizing On Home Page And Read More Option.MORE / INFO DEMO
Bukan Johny Blogger Template
This first template named Bukan Johny, simple template blogger with a wide automotatic slider from Lofslidernews. It’s a 2 column blogger with 1 right sidebar, 3 column footer, pure CSS menu navigation dropdown and more. You can use this template for your daily blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
Notify Blogger Template
Notify Blogger Template is a free blogger template which has a layout of 2 columns with 1 right sidebar and footer columns. This template looks minimal and is elegant. Notify is suitable for almost all type of blogger blogs.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Demosite Blogger Template
Johny Demosite Blogger Template is a Best Clean Responsive Blogger Template. Its 4 Column Blogger Template With 1 Right sidebar And 3 Column Footer. Dual Top Menu Links With Drop Down Sub Menu’s. Gallery Show Case Style Blogger theme With Facebook Like Button On Home Page. 728Px Ads Banner Placed Right sidebar. Black Color, White Color And Blue Color Used For This Theme Design. Clean Elegant Style Search Box Placed Right Side Of Top Menu.Johny Demosite Blogger Template design For Premium Blogger Blog’s.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Asal Responsive Blogger Template
Johny Asal Responsive is a Just Another Responsive Gallery Blogger Template. its 4 Column Blogger Template with 3 Column Footer area.This Footer And Header Background’s Design as a same Pattern,This Theme Header and Footer For Black Pattern Background And Content Area Background Design Using Gray Color Pattern Background.Dual Top Menu Link’s With Small Drop Down Effect.728px Ads Banner Placed Top of Content Area.This Johny Asal Responsive Theme Header Design as a 3 Column Area. Left Side for Header Title With Logo, Center For Small Page Menu And Right side For Search Box Placed.Gallery Blogger Template With Auto Blog Post summarizing And “Read More” Option.MORE / INFO DEMO
Wayang Wong Blogger Template
Wayang wong Blogger Template is a clean and minimalist style blogger template. its design as a single column template.Theme Desig as a Single and Elegent Style, 3 Column Footer Area With 468px Ads Banner Placed Footer Column, This Theme Design as a Modern And New Social Share Widgets, Back to top Option, date stamp and simple quality facility’s.Wayang wong Blogger Template is a clean and moders Blogger Template For Personal Blog..MORE / INFO DEMO
Wayang Wong 2 Blogger Template
Wayang Wong2 is a free blogger template with 2 columns, magazine-styled, right sidebar, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Helix Blogger Template
Helix is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, left and right sidebars and social bookmarking icons.Excellent layout for blogs about any general topic or crafts.
Borneo Books Blogger Template
Borneo Books is another proffesional blogger templates. This is premium templates categories with magazine style design, 1 colums mainpage, 3 columns footerpage , elegant menu navigation horizontal dropdown, automatic readmore with keep aspect ratio post thumbnails resize, twitter share on homepage, facebook likes on homege, share button ready on postpage (with print, pdf online and send email button), no image needed, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Primal Blogger Template
Nomad is a free blogger template custom design with 1 Left Sidebar, 3 Column, Blogger, Custom Navbar, Fixed, Gallery, Gray, Page Number, Slideshow, White etc.MORE / INFO DEMO
Nomad Blogger Template
Nomad is a free blogger template custom design with 1 Left Sidebar, 3 Column, Blogger, Custom Navbar, Fixed, Gallery, Gray, Page Number, Slideshow, White etc.MORE / INFO DEMO
Catalogspot Blogger Template
Catalogspot is a modern shopping cart style blogger template. its 4 Column Blogger Template With 1 Right sidebar and 4 Column Footers area. blue, orange, gray and dark blue color used for this theme design, its galarry style blogger template with paypal support shopping cart menu link’s with drop down effect. full page image slider and blogger pagination bar.MORE / INFO DEMO
Breaking News Blogger Template
Media Online Blogger Template
Free Media Online Blogger Template is elegant magazine style blogger template with auto recent post per categories, 3 column blogger template with 4 column footer, automatic featured content, SEO optimized, ads ready, tabview ready, social widget ready, title post for newer an older post ready and this template designed for news style blogs. I used jSon script for auto recent post from Simplex Design (Thank, dude) with a little bit modification.MORE / INFO DEMO
Blogger NewsPaper- Adsense and SEO friendly Premium Blogger Template
Today I am happy to introduce another premium Blogger Template to all of you.I named this template ‘Blogger Newspaper’.Blogger NewsPaper is a good template for magazine and news portal.It is also a nice and clean 3 column ,White Blogger template in magazine style.MORE / INFO DEMO
Gamer MagZ – Premium News, Sports Magazine Blogger Template
Gamer MagZ is a new Premium yet Free Blogger Template from us to all bloggers. Gamer MagZ design is based on Magazine style combined with blog style. This free Magazine blogger Template has 2 columns, Popular Widget, Recent Post widget and Blogspot Category Post Widget with thumbnails.Like all out Free Blogger Templates, Gamer MagZ also designed to improve your blog search engine rank by using the techniques of search engine friendliness and on site SEO optimization. So that ,After the installation of the this template in your blog, whenever your blog will be crawled by search engine and it will get indexed easily without any difficulties.
SpiceMag – Premium News, Sports Magazine Blogger Template
This template has so many features and designed to improve your blog search engine rank by using the techniques of search engine friendliness and on site SEO optimization. So that ,After the installation of the this template in your blog, whenever your blog will be crawled by search engine and it will get indexed easily without any difficultiesThis blogspot template developed for the niche blogs like newspaper blogs, sports blogs and tech blogs. So this template could be used for most type of the blogs. Let see some of the key features of our news magazine blogger template.
Norma Blogger Template
Norma is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Blogger NewsTimes–AdSense optimized Premium Blogger Template
Today I am going to release another new premium Blogger Template “Blogger NewsTimes”.This template is very useful for Magazine type Technology sites and as well as News Blogs.You can use this template for free.You can pretty much easily install this Template using the following Instructions.MORE / INFO DEMO
Elegant is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, tabs, drop down menu and geometric motifs.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
SimpleMarket is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, minimalist and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Numerto Magazine
Numerto Magazine is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow and posts thumbnails.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Sight Blogger Template
Sight is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, slideshow, posts thumbnails, drop down menu and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Versatile is a free blogger template with 3 columns, magazine-styled, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and geometric motifs.MORE / INFO DEMO
Creativa is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, left and right sidebars, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, tabs, drop down menu and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Typograph is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 4 columns, right sidebar, minimalist, tabs and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Exposure is a free blogger template with 1 column, gallery-styled, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Sporty Magazine Free Blogger Template
Free Blogger Template with Magazine style, 4 columns and SEO ready.MORE / INFO DEMO
Zoom Magazine
Simple magazine blogger template with adsense ready, dropdown navigation, image slideshow and it’s so easy loading.MORE / INFO DEMO
Simple Magazine Blogger Template
Simple magazine blogger template with adsense ready, easy loading, SEO ready, auto readmore, multi column and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Halifax Blogger Template
Diavlo Blogger Template
Diavlo Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.Diavlo Blogger Template is a blogger theme is a tumble style post and have very nice use of JS so there is some icons are attached with different type of label. This is very nice template with is a very good if you are writing your personal blog and want to share different quotes, images, videos and more with world then this is a template for you.
Hector Blogger Template
Hector Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.This is a movie review template which is intent for use in any review like movie, video, book, software etc. I have added all instructions in the download folder and you can ask me any help via comment, Facebook comment.
Coming Soon HTML5 CSS3 Blogger Template
Coming Soon Under Construction | Blogger Template is another beautiful Under Construction blogger template which is modified and converted from WordPress template.Coming Soon Under Construction | Blogger Template is a HTML5 / CSS3 simple under construction blogger template.Easy to use, easy to manage, as simple as a click.
Wallbase Blogger Template
Wallbase Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.Wallbase Blogger Template is a blogger theme is a tumble style post and have very nice use of JS so there is fullscreen slideshow design. This is very nice template with is a very good if you are interested to create your one portfolio blog.
This theme is ideal for photography websites to showcase their portfolio in style.
Carmen Blogger Template is a Theme comes with an attractive layout and color combination. This will be suitable for sites for portfolios, photo journals etc. The theme features a jQuery featured slider and 3 customizable widgets on the homepage, 1 Right Sidebar, 3 Column, Ads Ready, Blogger, Bookmark Ready, Fixed, Gallery, Gray, Magazine, Slideshow, White, WordPress Look and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Accrebility Blogger Template
Accrebility Blogger Template is a magazine style blogger template with elegant design template and dark grain background. It’s a blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style template blogspot, automatic vertical featured content, seo optimized template, ads ready, tabview ready, social widget ready, dropdown menu, default Blogger comment and replay, summary post, and more. This template designed for all type of blogs and compatible with most users browser but for perfect view, use a browser which support CSS3 for box shadow.MORE / INFO DEMO
Responsive Template
Responsive Templates is free blogger template with responsive design, 3 column, white color, label and popular post edited and simple elegant layout.MORE / INFO DEMO
Iris Blogger Template
Iris Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted from WordPress template made by Web2feel.comIris Blogger Template is a blog template which have beautiful post title and post metadata with lot of customizable feature,best suited for blog/site.This tempalte will suit for those people who have image in post as well as some description content.
Way2Blogging : Free Premium Blogger Template
Another Free Premium Blogger Template. I used this blogger template when it was on Blogger. and Now this blog on WordPress. So many of our readers requested the Way2Blogging’s Old blogger template. and Now it is here to Download for Free!!! Before i coded the template with Hard-coded. that means i edit the template and add menu links. Now i added the link-lists and page-lists widgets to easy customization.MORE / INFO DEMO
E Style : Free Premium Blogger Template
E Style Free Blogger Template with Premium Template Features. This is a PSD template Actually designed by and i Converted to Blogger Template with great features. I usually takes 5-6 Hrs time to convert any template to Blogger template. but this template i taken almost TWO days time to convert it. because i focused on each and every small elements and Designed it specially.MORE / INFO DEMO
Align Blogger template
Align is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, responsive design, left sidebar, minimalist, simple look and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Geeks Gadget Blogger Template
Geeks Gadget is an efficient and magnificent template for blogger users. This theme is designed with such practices that your users would think twice whether it is a Blogger Template, or not because it has all the elements just like WordPress Themes. This template is ideal for those websites which running a Gadget niche blog including multimedia, technology and etc. The color combination of White, Lime blue, and gray makes this theme adorable. It is a crystal clear theme with some robust features few of them are listed below.MORE / INFO DEMO
Dazzling Designer Blogger Template
Dazzling Designer is a Premium Responsive Theme especially created for Designing Niche web blogs and websites. However, it also suites perfectly on Technology, News updates, Business, Gadgets and Top 10s (List based) websites. It has a Sticky Floating Header, Navigation Menu and a capsule search bar. It utilizes CSS, CSS3, HTML, XML and jQuery. The design of this Blogger Template is extremely efficient and also has plenty of customization options. The Dazzling Designer Blogger Template is compatible with all browsers and has crystal clean code/documentation..MORE / INFO DEMO
ShopStore Blogger Template
ShopStore Blogger Template, This is wordpress theme and is converted to Blogger by me. i hope you enjoyed with this one.MORE / INFO DEMO
Elite Minima : Free Premium Blogger Template
Elite Minima is a Free Premium Blogger template designed by me with some cool Features. Now a Days all templates are Fixed width type and they are not support Blogger template designer. I am decided to make a template that support Blogger templates designer. YES!. This free Template Support Blogger Template designer and this is a Fluid Width, Pure Minimal, and Responsive Design.MORE / INFO DEMO
Creative Gallery Blogger Template
Creative Gallery is a multi-style Portfolio Blogger Template. This theme is perfect to show off your work and images. It is ideal for wallpaper and portfolio website. Perhaps it is the only Blogger template which has exceptionally overwhelming touch. It has a full-width homepage, which makes it easy for your users to see through the image gallery. Though, it is for portfolio website, but it can also be used as a Blog. The color combination of Black, Dark blue, and gray gives it a reasonable touch. We are sure; you have never seen this type of creative blogger template before.MORE / INFO DEMO
Pegasus Blogger Template
This is Thumbnail blog to create a photography portfolio theme. It will automatically make your image content in home page design.MORE / INFO DEMO
Magnificent Blogger Template
Template features : WordPress Look, 4 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Left+Right Sidebar, Magazine, Elegant, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation.MORE / INFO DEMO
Replay Blogger Free Template
It has a nice three columns design you can make a multi type of slider with this template design, there is much more features you can fully make your perfect portfolio website. It is full free template to create a better website at free of cost.MORE / INFO DEMO
Bloggerest is a free blogger template with 2 columns, responsive design, right sidebar, gallery-styled, exclusive design for Blogger, posts thumbnails, drop down menu and well formatted threaded comments.MORE / INFO DEMO
Rocket Blogger Template
It has a nice three columns design you can make a multi type of slider with this template design, there is much more features you can fully make your perfect portfolio website. It is full free template to create a better website at free of cost.DEMO DOWNLOAD
Alyeska II Blogger Template
New Fantastic template your new photography magazine style blog. There is nice header slider bar to make your image content richer. It has a nice social share button option.DEMO DOWNLOAD
WP OpenCart
WP OpenCart is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, left and right sidebars, rounded corners, drop down menu and simple look..MORE / INFO DEMO
BlackLight Blogger Template
It works like professional blogs, you can make a perfect theme design for your blogger, and it is a one-click installation for your blogger because we have added auto working slider and an eye catching social bar navigation about the footer widgets.DEMO DOWNLOAD
FreshLife Blogger Template
Fresh life theme Published by Theme “Daily Theme” for blogger blogs, it can be used by all sorts of bloggers such as wallpapers, fashion, news, gossips, magazine.DEMO DOWNLOAD
Daily v2.0 Blogger Template
Daily theme is the best of theme junkie, it has special features, professional design look for online magazine website, multipurpose recommend to newspaper and community blogs.DEMO DOWNLOAD
Headlines Blogger Template
This template blog to woo themes it has concise fried based design author highlighting social bookmarks flexible layout to name a free headlines , it is multipurpose theme for magazine blogs.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Retina Blogger Template
Retina Blogger template is a versatile magazine style theme designed for those blogs which are multi-niched, or covers a lot of stories of different categorize at just one place. It is still ideal for all kind of blogs like Technology, Entertainment, News, Magazine, Gadgets. It has the tendency to accommodate almost anything. It is jam-packed with lots of customized widgets. Just install this template, sit back and enjoy. This theme has pure appearance with crystal clear touch. The outlook is so beautiful that you cannot stop yourself from saying a WOW!.MORE / INFO DEMO
Pingrey Blogger Template
Pingrey is beautyful responsive blogger template layout with many future. It’s 2 columns and right sidebar the color is black, white, blue and grey with top navigation menu, social widget, custom search result, custom lightbox and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Simples 2.0 Blogger template
Simples 2.0 is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Blogholic is free personal blogger template with responsive design, 2 column, grey and white color, label and popular post edited and simple elegant layout.MORE / INFO DEMO
Business Solutions
Business Solutions is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, a background pattern, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
MetroBTK is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, web 2.0 design, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, social bookmarking icons and posts thumbnails.MORE / INFO DEMO
Gordon is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, minimalist, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Rum Raisin Blogger Layout
Here’s another minimal Blogger layout for you guys, and it comes just in the nick of time — did you know that it’s National Blog Posting Month? I just found out yesterday (thanks, Dawn!). I call this layout Rum Raisin. This is a simple one-column blog that showcases your content. All of the widgets that would normally go along the sides have been moved to the 3-column footer.MORE / INFO DEMO
Bello is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, left and right sidebars, minimalist, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, a background pattern, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Elegance Gallery Template
Elegance Gallery is a free premium blogger template with 4 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, web 2.0 design, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Super Clean Template
Super Clean is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, web 2.0 design, rounded corners, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, slideshow, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Blogger Store Template
Blogger Store is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, slideshow and social bookmarking icons.MORE / INFO DEMO
X5 Shadow Blogger Template
X5 Shadow is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, slideshow, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Putih Pekat Blogger Template
Putih Pekat is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, left sidebar, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, related posts, related posts support, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Galauness Free Blogger Template
Galauness is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, left sidebar, gallery-styled, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, drop down menu, breadcrumbs, related posts, related posts support, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
25 pixel Free Blogger Template
25 pixel is a free premium blogger template with 3 columns, responsive design, right sidebar, gallery-styled, fresh look, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, posts thumbnails, well formatted threaded comments and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Date A Live Free Blogger Template
Date A Live is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, drop down menu, breadcrumbs, related posts, a background pattern, related posts support, well formatted threaded comments and vectorial elements.MORE / INFO DEMO
Viper Free Blogger Template
Viper is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, ads ready, slideshow, posts thumbnails and a background pattern.Excellent layout for blogs about any general topic.
Photo Gallery Dark Blogger Template
Photo Gallery Dark is a free blogger template with 4 columns, gallery-styled, exclusive design for Blogger and posts thumbnails.Excellent layout for blogs about photography.
Lock Heart Blogger Template
Lock Heart is a free blogger template with 2 columns, left sidebar, gallery-styled, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.Excellent layout for blogs about photography.
DCM Dark Blogger Template
DCM Dark is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, responsive design, left and right sidebars, gallery-styled, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, tabs, infinite scrolling and well formatted threaded comments.Excellent layout for blogs about art, business, crafts, internet, news, a diary or photography.
Project 10 Blogger Template
Insomnia Blogger Template is elegant black color for main background this themes, personal categories blogger templates and have some feature like elegant design with combination minimalist design and 2 columns layout, 1 right sidebar, auto thumbnail post at homepage, fast themes on browser and you can try this themes for personal sites.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Insomnia Free Blogger Template
Insomnia Blogger Template is elegant black color for main background this themes, personal categories blogger templates and have some feature like elegant design with combination minimalist design and 2 columns layout, 1 right sidebar, auto thumbnail post at homepage, fast themes on browser and you can try this themes for personal sites.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Johny Crottube Blogger Template
Johny Crottube template is Johny Crott series that was made for video content only from Youtube. There’s so many feature in this template. It’s a white and black color with 5 column blogger in there, easy loading with elegant looks, 1 left sidebar in homepage and 1 right sidebar in post page, 3 columns footer, navigation drop down menu, grid and list style, pagination for blogger ready, clean design template, and more. This template suitable for video content blog with daily updates only from Youtube. But you can use it for any gallery images content for your blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
MusiMag Blogger Template
Template features : 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Music, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Blue Background, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Blackstore Blogger Template
Johny Blackstore template it was made especially for online store only. Design with magazine style blogger template with 4 column blogger template and one left sidebar, 3 column footer, shopping cart for blogger platform, automatic featured content slider, ads 728 x 90 px ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, , zooming image, clean design template, and more. This template designed for online store only with daily updates.MORE / INFO DEMO
LeetPress Blogger Template
Template features : WordPress Look, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Elegant, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Header Banner, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Storage Red Blogger Template
Johny Storage Red blogger template is a red light free magazine style blogger template for portal news blog with automatic recent per category. It’s a 2/3 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, automatic featured content slider, automatic slider carousel, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, tab view menu, clean design template, and more. This template designed for portal news blog with daily updates.MORE / INFO DEMO
Collective Blogger Template
Template features : WordPress Look, 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, 3 Columns Footer, Magazine, Clean Design, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Top Navigation Menu, Email Subscription Form.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Tubeprett Blogger Template
Johny Tubeprett template made for video content only from Youtube. There’s so many feature in this template. It’s a white and brown color with 4 column blogger in there, easy loading with elegant looks, 1 right sidebar, 3 columns footer, navigation drop down menu, grid and list style, tab widget categories, clean design template, tag H1 and H2 ready, and more. This template suitable for video content blog with daily updates only from Youtube.MORE / INFO DEMO
Metapami Magazine – Dark Retro Blogger Template
Metapami Magazine Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are dark mainly black and grey.The template has a magazine style that suits most types of blogs with a dark retro design that could work for gaming or music blogs.MORE / INFO DEMO
Lugas – Photography Gallery Blogger Template
Lugas Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The template has a special design perfect for Photography blogs or other gallery blogs.Posts on the home page are displayed by thumbnails which slide to reveal a description.MORE / INFO DEMO
FitnessMag Blogger Template
Template features : WordPress Look, 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, Magazine, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Social Widget, Dropdown Menu, Header Banner, Page Navigation Widget.MORE / INFO DEMO
Google Plus Design – Blogger Template
Google Plus Is a Three Column Blogger Template with a Left And Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly white.A Simple Design Template designed to look like Google plus pages.MORE / INFO DEMO
Accord Blogger Template
Template features : Pinterest Look, 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, Fashion, Featured Post Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Social Widget, Header Banner, Dropdown Menu, Page Navigation Widget..MORE / INFO DEMO
Especial Free Blogger Template
Portfolio Is a minimal design Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are bright mainly white.The features include, navigation menu.Split header with blog title on left and search bar on the right.Gallery style Fixed read more with thumbnails on the home page.Three Columns in the footer for extra gadgets and widgets.MORE / INFO DEMO
Especial Free Blogger Template
Timeline Free Blogger Template
Timeline is a new and attractive timeline-inspired template to showcase your work, blog or interests in an unique modern way, using the trendy timeline look.MORE / INFO DEMO
TheStyle Blogger Template
Mayumi Template
Mayumi is a free premium blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, magazine-styled, right sidebar, slideshow, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Revive Red Template
Revive Red is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, posts thumbnails and tabs.MORE / INFO DEMO
Axis Blogger Template
Axis Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.Axis Blogger Template is a blogger theme is a tumble style post and have very nice use of JS so there is fullscreen slideshow design. This is very nice template with is a very good if you are interested to create your one portfolio blog.
This theme is ideal for photography websites to showcase their portfolio in style.
Vasiliki Blogger Template
Vasiliki Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.Vasiliki Blogger Template is a blogger theme is a jQuery masonry – A dynamic grid layout plugin and It re arranges the content grids in a brick fashion with smooth animation according the browser window size. This is very nice template with is a very good if you are writing your news blog and want to share different updates, images, videos and more with world then this is a template for you.
Float Blogger Template
I love this kind of template: simple and clean. And the template comes with some cool fearures,such as social media share buttons, drop menu, read more button and more. OK. It’s suitable for personal blogs.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Coba Dulu Blogger Template
Johny Coba Dulu is another style from Johny Jogos template with white, black and blue color. This blogger template made especially for mini game online, or any gallery content with image. This template has a 6 column with one sidebar in the right, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, automatic featured content slider, categories tab view widget, ads ready, dropdown menu, clean design template, and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Johny Movie Prett Blogger Template
This is a gallery template blogger for your movie content, named Johny Movie Prett with the dark style color black and orange. This template was designed for gallery content blogger especially for your movie collection. I made the main slider with 10 posts in homepage that shows your recent post. There’s no sidebar in main page, 5 column blogger in there, adding meta tag H1 in every posts, automatic Lofslidernews, i left sidebar in homepage and 1 right sidebar in postpage, 3 columns footer, navigation drop down menu with no javascript, tab widget category, clean design template, and more. This template suitable for gallery content blog with daily updates. But you can use it for any gallery images for your blog.MORE / INFO DEMO
Metro UI Blogger Template
Metro UI is an innovative Windows 8 Style Blogger Template. This theme has a lot of similarities with the Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 8. This template is ideal for blogging niche like technology, multimedia, entertainment, magazine, and etc. Nonetheless, that’s not all because it is robust enough to be used on any kind of website. By default, this theme has a greenish color scheme. However, you can customize the theme as per the needs. It has some built-in extra-ordinary features like Numbered page navigation, Elegant Menu, 4 column footer, and much more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Twitter Blogger Template
Twitter Blogger Template is inspired from world’s first micro blogging website Though, this theme is not a replica of but still it has a touch which would convert your Blogger blog into a robust social networking website. The color combination of light blue and place gives it an elegant touch. Since, this theme is inspired from Twitter. Therefore, we have also attached twitter Tweet button. This Theme is extremely efficient and sober which makes it standout from other templates. It has some built-in extra-ordinary features like Numbered page navigation, floating header, and much more..MORE / INFO DEMO
Hi-Tech Technology Blogger Template
Hi-Tech Technology is a Free Blogger Theme/Template especially for Blogs, Magazine, News Portals and Technology Blogs. It has clean and minimal touch with modern standards design. This Template is also responsive and works smoothly on each and every platform (Resize your Browser and see the magic). We have used (H1, H2, H3) heading tags that play quite significant role in SEO (Search engine optimization). Furthermore, it comes with tons of built-in features.MORE / INFO DEMO
Gumball Special
Gumball Special is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 4 columns, magazine-styled, right sidebar, neutral colors and vectorial elements.MORE / INFO DOWNLOAD
Avada Blogger Template
Avada is so flexible, clean and has fully mobile responsive design (Try resizing the page of your browser). Built with CSS3 and Lightweight Blogger XML, a lot of hard work went into making Avada a pleasure to use. Avada has with a bucket full of features and has powerful customization options. It’s extremely nippy and easy to customize. This theme’s has clean modern design, which could decorate any kind of website; portfolio, corporate, business, blog, products, etc.MORE / INFO DEMO
Diffuser Magazine Blogger Template
Diffuser is a fully mobile responsive Template for Blogger Enabled Websites, which is ready with the latest CSS3 effects and suites perfectly on Magazine, Business, Blogs and Corporate Websites. It is compatible with all browsers and works perfectly on Internet Explorer too. High Speed Google fonts are consumed which would surely magnetize the eyes of your visitors. It is fully compatible with portable devices i.e. iPhone, iPad, Android and etc. In short, It is fully compatible with mobile devices.MORE / INFO DEMO
SkyBlue Blogger Template
SkyBlue is a free blogger template with 1 column, responsive design, gallery-styled, fresh look, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, drop down menu, breadcrumbs and well formatted threaded comments.MORE / INFO DEMO
Timeline Magazine Blogger Template
Timeline Magazine is the first blogger template inspired from Facebook Timeline. In this theme, posts are displayed in a horizontal order in two columns. It has overwhelming appearance, which would magnetize a lot of visitors to your blog. By default, this template comes with Whitish blue color scheme. However, you can change its color scheme accordingly. This theme is ideal for those websites which are based entertainment, news bulletin, Gadgets and technology. The uniqueness of this theme would make your users to rethink about your website..MORE / INFO DEMO
AndroidMag Blogger Template
AndroidMag is a multipurpose Blogger Template designed for Smartphones lovers. It has ready-to-use color scheme and lots of gadgets are preloaded in this template. This theme is ideal for those blogs which are entirely based on Mobile Apps, Gadgets and technology. However, you can always customize its color scheme to make it look according to your needs. The color combination of dark and light green gives it a complete Android touch. To be honest, this theme is a treat for Smartphone loves i.e. Android, iPhone and etc.MORE / INFO DEMO
Metro Classic Responsive Blogger Template
Metro Classic is an enhanced version of our previous Metro UI Blogger Template. Metro Classic is an old-school Windows 8 style Responsive Blogger template that is jam-packed with some tremendous features. This theme is ideal for blogging niche like technology, gadgets, reviews, news, personal, etc. it is also compatible with almost all leading browsers like Chrome, Firefox and internet explorer. The color scheme of this template is also adorable and eye-friendly. On the top of that, you get this template for absolutely free.MORE / INFO DEMO
WebMag Blogger Template
The WebMag Blogger Template is a robust and multi-purpose magazine theme for Blogger enabled websites. It is extremely efficient and has some highly customized functionality. We have used latest web developing language including CSS3 and HTML5. This theme is ideal for all kinds of websites, it is a multi-niche template specially designed for Magazine, Technology, Web designing, development, and gadget based blogs. It has a lot of quality and “out-of-this-world” features that would surely enlighten your site with the odyssey of awesomeness.MORE / INFO DEMO
Apollo Blogger Template
Apollo Blogger Magazine theme is one of its kinds because it has buckets full of features. It has an elegant look which would attract your eyes like a bee to a honey. Since, it is a WordPress adapted Theme it is equipped with some wonderful features. This Template is Ideal for Niche sites i.e. Technology, Media, News Bulletin, Entertainment and etc. However, a person can also use on a Personal blog theme.MORE / INFO DEMO
Newspress Blogger template
Newspress is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, minimalist, footer columns, posts thumbnails, drop down menu, simple look and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
PutihBiru Blogger template
Quintel is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, fresh look, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails and simple look.MORE / INFO DEMO
Yasmin Blogger template
Yasmin is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, a background pattern and simple look.MORE / INFO DEMO
Quintel is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, fresh look, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails and simple look.MORE / INFO DEMO
News Magazine Blogger Template
News Magazine is an ever new responsive Template for Blogger Platform. Though, this template has the capability to take shape of any kind of website, but it is ideal for the Niche blogging like Technology, News bulletin, Gadgets, Telecom. This Theme has an elegant touch that literally produces sparks in the eyes of your visitors. It is jam packed with custom options like Featured Labels, Dropdown menu, Custom sidebar, related posts and much more. News Magazine looks splendid, because of its prominent color scheme. The orange color with a combination of blank gives it a perfect touch.MORE / INFO DEMO
Azsimple is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
Super is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, minimalist, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, posts thumbnails, breadcrumbs, simple look and neutral colors.MORE / INFO DEMO
VideoBox Blogger Template
VideoBox blogger theme is very good for Blog, Clean, Elegant, Modern, Movie, Personal, Travel, Video websites. VideoBox have some features like Built in support for Social Bookmaking, Built-in Pagination, Built-in Widgets, Clean typography , Cross Browser Ready, Custom Menus, Custom Widgets, Drop Down Multi-Level Menu, Footer Widget, Modern layout, Right Sidebar, Slider. You can download VideoBox at Blogger Templates Gallery.MORE / INFO DEMO
London Creative – Portfolio Gallery Template
This Is a Gallery Design Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly black and red.The Templates Features Include, Drop down navigation menu with search bar.Split header with blog title on left and contact info on the right.Two Level Featured posts slider or image slideshow.MORE / INFO DEMO
MXfluity Blogger Template
MXfluity is personal and photograh responsive blogger template layout with many future. It’s 2 columns with right sidebar or left sidebar width accordion slider. Default template color is black, white and red and easy to change it. This template have one top navigation menu. Search box using JSON and make visitor don’t need to change the page to see the result. Threat comment width emoticon, recent comments width avatar and admin control, SEO optimaze, and more..MORE / INFO DEMO
latUI is a free blogger template with 2 columns, responsive design, right sidebar, fresh look, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, posts thumbnails, infinite scrolling and well formatted threaded comments.Excellent layout for blogs about any general topic, internet, a diary, photography, software or travel.
MegaMag Blogger Template
MegaMag is a robust multipurpose magazine Blogger Template. With its Flexible coding, the theme can be molded to fit your desire needs whether it is a personal blog or a high scale magazine style Professional website. It has rich functionalities like Multi Level Drop down Menu, Nivo Slider and much more high quality stuff. It has all the spicy features which are required to run a successful blog or website. This theme is ideal for Technology, Fashion, Business, Gaming, Music, and Girly websites..MORE / INFO DEMO
Confidence Blogger Template
Template features : WordPress Look, 3 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Magazine, Header Banner, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Clean Design, Gray Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation Widget.MORE / INFO DEMO
Maxxi Premium Responsive Blogger Template
Maxxi is beautyful premium responsive blogger template layout with many future. It’s 3 columns and 3 columns footer with 2 right sidebar the color is black, white and blue with 2 top navigation menu, social media icon, tab widget siderbar, JSON search result, emoticon and more. Color Available (Blue, Red, Green, Orange, and Turquoise).MORE / INFO DEMO
MaxMag Responsive Blogger Template
Max Mag is a featured-rich, multimedia and magazine theme. Max Mag is a fully responsive template that has unlimited color scheme with a “Sticky” Menu that scrolls throughout the site. Furthermore, it has many features spots for content as well as Advertisements. All-in-all it is a must-to-have theme that literally takes shape of any kind of a website belonging to any category or niche. The color scheme of the template is also eye friendly and would fresh the thoughts of your readers.MORE / INFO DEMO
Damn-LOL Blogger Template
Damn LOL Blogger Template is perfect for pictorial related blogs and websites. It has a dark color scheme which looks dazzling with images. Damn LOL is one of the most prominent Troll Related website that shares Trolling pictures, Funny images and etc. This theme exactly looks a like Damn LOL. Furthermore, This Theme has all those features which are vital to run a picture based site. We are sure after applying it on your BlogSpot site you would never turn back to your old template.MORE / INFO DEMO
Bresponsive – Advanced Responsive Premium Magazine Blogger Template free
As you know we have created and shared many Premium Free Blogger Templates here. Many users have asked me to share fully Responsive blogger template here. As a Blogger and WordPress Themes developer, I have had a years of experience in this responsive template design domain.Finally, in my free time I have developed the first Ever Fully Responsive Professional Blogger Template for blogger blogs. Professionally Made Premium Blogger Template like WordPress themes and Adsense & SEO Friendly Blogger Template.
ExtraNews Blogger Template
ExtraNews is beautyful responsive blogger template layout with many future. It’s 2 columns with 3 footer columns and 1 right sidebar the color is black, white, blue and grey with top navigation menu, custom search result, tab menu, custom lightbox and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Resizable Blogger Template
It is a responsive blogger template is previously published by theme junket for magazine blogs; it has a wonderful color combination for this template, advertisement ready blogger template with better designing look.DEMO DOWNLOAD
Pinfinity Blogger Template
Pinfinity is a free blog template with type : 2 column, Adapted from WordPress, Blue, Fluid Width, Gallery, Gray, Personal, Premium, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Social Media Icon, Top Navigation Bar, White.MORE / INFO DEMO
Adsosive Blogger Template
Adsosive is beautyful responsive blogger template layout with many future. It’s 2 columns and right sidebar the color is blue, white and grey with top navigation menu, tab widget siderbar, JSON search result, custom lightbox, social icon, emoticon and more.MORE / INFO DEMO
Shutter Shot Blogger Template
Shutter Shot Blogger Template is another beautiful blogger template which is modified and converted by us from WordPress template.Shutter Shot Blogger Template is a blogger theme is a tumble style post and have very nice use of JS so there is fullscreen slideshow design. This is very nice template with is a very good if you are interested to create your one portfolio blog.
This theme is ideal for photography websites to showcase their portfolio in style.
Leptocaros Magazine
Flexor Magazine – Pro Blogger Template
Flexor Magazine Is a Two Column Blogger Template with a Right Sidebar.The Template Colors Are mainly grey, blue and white.A professional design blogger template great for all blogging styles.MORE / INFO DEMO
ChromeGT Blogger Template
Template features : WordPress Look, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Right Sidebar, Modern, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Black Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation Widget.MORE / INFO DEMO
Metro Simple Blogger Template
Metro Simple is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, slideshow, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, tabs, drop down menu, a background pattern and well formatted threaded comments.MORE / INFO DEMO
Green Minimalist Blogger Template
Green Minimalist is a free premium blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns, well formatted threaded comments and geometric motifs.MORE / INFO DEMO
X9 Function Shadow Blogger Template
X9 Function Shadow is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, web 2.0 design, exclusive design for Blogger, ads ready, footer columns, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, well formatted threaded comments and gradients.MORE / INFO DEMO
Nexus 5 – A New Blogger Template
Nexus 5 is a one column template, with widgetized sections in the footer for any gadgets you may like to include. A wider, two column version will be available shortly for those who prefer gadgets in a sidebar section.This template uses many HTML 5 and CSS3 elements to create a more innovative design without the use of excessive background images. It does gracefully degrade in browsers which do not support CSS3 elements to ensure the greatest percentage of visitors will appreciate the full scope of the design.
Blogger Template: BoyBurnsBlog
A clean minimalist template which is customizable through the Blogger Template Designer. Uses jQuery Masonary for a non-linear appearance. I particularly like how images are resized to fit the entire available space of the columns.MORE / INFO DEMO
Depositphotos Blogger Template
Depositphotos Blogger Template supports a blogger new feature show post image in homepage without any JavaScript or Post Summary code.It supports up to 10 unique page supports, and even more that this. So why you are getting limited by the limitation of blogger come on and feel free to demonstrate your work with this Depositphotos blogger template.
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